Yoga for Emotional Balance: Simple Practices to Help Relieve Anxiety and Depression by Bo Forbes
Yoga for Emotional Balance: Simple Practices to Help Relieve Anxiety and Depression by Bo Forbes PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Emotional balance is within your reach—when you cultivate the intelligence of both your body and mind. Bo Forbes, a psychologist and yoga teacher, presents an integrative approach to healing anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. In this book, she offers some of her most important teachings and practices, including:• restorative yoga sequences designed to balance anxiety and lift depression
• breath- and body-centered exercises to calm your mind and energize your body
• simple ways to understand your emotional patterns
• an overview of the three main obstacles to emotional well-being
• five tools for building emotional balance
Rooted in classical yoga yet supported by psychology and science, the techniques in this book will help you create progressive and lasting change.
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